Monday, March 18, 2013

    In Act 1, I think all of the characters are showing their true colors and showing what they are really made of. For example, Nora is finally showing that she is somewhat caring, but she is also all about the money. When she told us that she paid for the trip to Italy, I feel like she just wanted the attention. I think she is also very selfish and conceited. For example, on page 155 Nora wrote " No, you first- I musn't be selfish today- I'm not going to think about anything but your troubles. I must just tell you one thing. Do you know; we've just had the most wonderful stroke of luck only the other day."  I think she does not realize the good in life. She seems as though she squanders regularly.
    Another character who is developing themselves is Ms. Linde. I personally believe she is a very degenerate person. I feel like she has a very tough outer shell, but she is very pure. I think she is proud of what she has accomplished in life,  but also i feel like she is sad. On page 159, she said.. " I don't look down on anyone; but of course I'm proud- and gald- to know that I was able to make my mother's last days a little easier." I think in a way, she is looking out for Nora, because she doesn't want her frivolous spending and selfishness to lead her to be alone like she is. Also I think Torvald is showing how lowly she thinks of Nora. He doesn't think she is worthy of anything and wants her to be the picture perfect wife. I think later on in the story Nora will realize that she is not what he wants her to be.


Julia Aiello said...

I wish Torvald would treat Nora better!

Anonymous said...

I love your post. It's so true

Unknown said...

Toravald does treat Nora like that i feel like he doesn't even like her.

Maryury Carrera said...

I agree Nora is selfish and seems to only care about the money. She does need to realize the good in life.

Unknown said...

I agree with you on everything. Nora just wants attention. She is all about the money and Mrs Linde is trying to look out for her

Unknown said...

I agree that Torvald treats Nora like a child and it's weird!

Eli romero said...

I agree, Trovald treats her as a child, not as a wife.

Bomani duncan said...

i agree with this